SANTA VISITS! Saturday, Dec. 7th 1:00-2:30 pm
Santa in Potomac Woods and Montgomery Square – Saturday 12/7
Come out to greet St. Nick’s arrival as he makes his neighborhood rounds. At a series of stops throughout the community, he greets children young and old while passing out treats and holiday cheer. New, unwrapped toys and non-perishable food are being collected for Toys for Tots and Manna, respectively.
Santa Stops:
1:00 p.m. Stratton Drive and Kimblewick
1:10 p.m. Stratton and Selworthy
1:20 Kersey Lane and Milboro
1:30 Circle near 42 Orchard Way North
1:40 Circle near 23 Orchard Way South
1:50 Milboro and Lancashire
2:00 Canterbury and Dunster
2:10 Dunster and Derbyshire
2:20 Aqueduct and Stratton
2:30 Devilwood Drive/Smoketree