
Listed below are the schools that service the Potomac Woods community.

Ritchie Park Elementary School

1514 Dunster Road, Rockville
Ritchie Park Elementary School is part of the Richard Montgomery Cluster. Ritchie Park currently houses 517 students, kindergarten through grade five. Students come from 19 countries and speak over 18 different languages, making the school a very culturally rich community of learners. Learn more


Julius West Middle School

Julius West Middle School651 Falls Road, Rockville
As one of the top middle schools in Rockville, Julius West serves 1,021 students in grades 6-8. Julius West has a diverse student population with strong academic programs and numerous extracurricular activities. The school seeks to develop a safe and nurturing learning environment which promotes respect for the individual, encourages a spirit of cooperation, and challenges the students to develop to their fullest potential. Learn more


Richard Montgomery High School

Richard Montgomery High School250 Richard Montgomery Dr., Rockville
Richard Montgomery High School serves a diverse population of approximately 1,900 students in grades 9 through 12. Over the past several years, the school has been featured in Newsweek magazine as one of the top 100 schools in the nation. Richard Montgomery High School was awarded the Blue Ribbon in Education Award by the United States Department of Education. In 2003, Jay Mathews identified RM as the number one school in the D.C. metropolitan area in the Challenge Index for Rigor. Learn more